The implant is a titanium screw, which in the oral task is to take over the functions of the root. Depending on the number of deficiencies and the number of existing bones of the patient, we can implant the necessary number of implants and cement or bridge on them bridges, crowns and even dentures. When one tooth is missing, we can avoid grinding adjacent teeth, and in the absence of all teeth, avoid making a complete denture. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, so it is painless.

Contraindications for implant placement are:
– periodontitis and bad oral hygiene
– unstable diabetes (slowed wound healing and difficult osseointegration)
– Cancer
– unstable diabetes (slowed wound healing and difficult osseointegration)
– osteoporosis
– blood diseases e.g. coagulation disorders
– pregnancy
– Cancer
– age below 18 (unfinished bone development)