by Michal
Teeth in children
Even in fetal life, tooth buds, both dairy and permanent, appear. This is when milk teeth, and then permanent ones, appear in the mouth. It depends on many factors, including genetic. However, there is a pattern of growing and falling out milk teeth.
Teeth growth – calendar
4-8 months of life – teething begins and the first teeth appear. The period of growing molluscs (20 teeth) usually lasts up to 3 years of age.
6-12 years of age – period of falling out of milk teeth and replacing them with permanent teeth. Around the age of 4, the roots of milk teeth gradually disappear, which leads to loosening of the teeth and emerging cavities. A place is created for permanent teeth.
Approx. 17 years old and
later – tooth growth known as “wisdom teeth,” or third molars.
No matter when your teeth grow, we must take care of them from the very beginning.
It is initially the task of parents who then take over the children. Adults must be role models and people who control the quality of their children’s self-washing. In order to
we wash twice a day and if possible after each meal. During the teething period, when the teeth are not there yet, let’s massage slightly swollen and sore gums
a child with a wet swab or special rubber brushes.
Caries is an infectious disease
in which bacteria from our mouth in contact with the child’s oral cavity with ease
they move, so remember not to lick the cutlery with which we feed our children, as well as teats.
Milk teeth, commonly known as molluscs, are poorly mineralized, and therefore more susceptible to caries, even if the child maintains proper oral hygiene.
“Bottle decay”
In the early stages of development, when a child uses bottles with a teat, the risk is usually the usual biting of a bottle with milk, cereal or juice full of sugar and falling asleep with the bottle in his mouth. Then the so-called “Bottle decay”. Originally, white spots and streaks turn into brownish or black discoloration. They are difficult to notice because they appear on the front teeth, close to the gums and often from the inside. Sometimes fluoridation of the teeth is enough, but with deeper defects it becomes necessary to impregnate with silver nitrate, which stains the teeth black. The doctor always tries to keep the dentition as long as possible. Too early created gaps in the teeth promote the formation of orthodontic defects. A permanent tooth emerging from the bone “wipes” the root of the lactate and sets itself exactly in its place, the lactate gives it a direction. Such close contact of both teeth also allows the permanent tooth to be infected by the milk tooth, which is why it is so important to keep the milk teeth, even “temporary”, in the best possible health until the very end.
First visit to the dentist with the child
It is not worth waiting with your first visit to the dentist until you need it
Your child will forever associate a dental office with pain. The first visit should be an adaptive visit during which the little patient will have the opportunity to meet the staff in a stress-free atmosphere. In this way, the child will gain confidence in the dentist. Read How to prepare for the first visit to the dentist with your child
In our dental office we try to make sure that there is always a small gift for a brave patient 🙂
Subsequent meetings with the dentist should be a dental check up, unless you need treatment.
As often with the child to the dentist
At least once every six months you need to do a review, possibly fluoridated cleaning, If it is not carried out by kindergarten or school. Prevention is very important in the case of milk teeth, on which caries develops much faster than on permanent ones. In addition to checking in the dentist’s office, parents should remember to regularly replace the brush and adjust the appropriate pastes depending on the age of the child.
Tooth sealing in children
In the case of permanent teeth in children, it is worth sealing the lateral teeth as soon as they appear before they are infected in any way. The sealing wax flowing into the permanent tooth furrows shallows them, thanks to which there is no food residue, it is easier to keep the teeth clean and avoid tooth decay. Thanks to regular reviews we certainly will not miss the right moment or the need to apply to orthodontists, because healthy teeth are also straight teeth.